How I'm finding balance in life this Autumn / Winter - Hannah, founder A Fine Balance

What things do you do (as well as coming to A Fine Balance of course 😜) that help you find balance in life? Let us know in the comments.

To stay well, where possible, we need a healthy balance between work and rest. It is also vital that we try to do the practices, therapies and work to keep our minds positive. This means letting go of negative patterns of thinking, which stress our nervous system and the health of our body.

if we look to the ancient philosophies of yoga and TCM, we need to align with nature to stay healthy. Autumn and winter are the seasons for slowing down, being more yin, taking time to rest, so we can balance the yang energy of the other seasons and our busy modern lives.

I have been feeling really out of balance recently: shattered and anxious.

Here are some of the things I want to do more of to soothe my nervous system:

🧘‍♂️Meditation, breathwork, chanting and humming to soothe the vagus nerve, calm the body and focus the mind

💤Yoga Nidra

📖Reading (less scrolling and tv)

🛌Prioritise sleep (less alcohol and caffeine)

☕️ Less caffeine as this directly impacts the cortisol in the body

💆‍♀️Massage when I can squeeze them in

🥗Nutrition and supplements - eat before morning coffee, eat more darker skinned and variety of plants / whole grains, and supplements to enhance my body’s Qi.

🧘‍♂️Yin yoga and acupuncture - help the flow of Qi around my body, open blockages, and boost my yin and support my yang

🏃‍♂️Exercise - daily walks in nature when possible and yoga asana practice

🧠Mindset - a never ending practice for me 👀- Tara Brach’s RAIN meditation for compassion is my go to when stuck in negative cycles.

🍂Want to find more balance as we move towards the end of Autumn?

Join me next Sat 18 Nov for 2 hours of Yin Yoga with practices for letting go.

We also have lots of restful workshops happening at the studio over coming months, as well as our timetable of classes to help you carve out some time for you, so have a little 👀.

Hannah Noble