What do you want for the rest of 2022?

Do you want to get that enthusiasm back? Need more focus? Want to feel inspired?

We begin the second half of 2022 this Saturday 2nd July. We are right bang in the middle of the year. This is a great time to connect with ourselves and reflect on the year so far. 

We often use the start of the new year to reflect on our core values, and set our intentions and goals, but we can also use the midpoint of the year to start afresh.

Now is a great time to pause, check-in with what we intended for this year and to set new goals for the next 6 months..

Do this mini-exercise to prepare for a thriving second-half of 2022
Take 5 minutes to try this exercise in a quiet space:

  1. Pause, breathe and be mindful - Take 1 minute to connect to the breath. Find a comfortable seat, take your hands to the heart centre and focus the whole mind on the breath, not changing it just noticing how it is.

  2. Reflect on how things are for you right now? Take 1 minute to check-in with how you are doing right now... how does the body feel? Is there tension anywhere? What is going on in the mind? What thoughts are coming up? How are things in your life right now?

  3. How do you want to spend the rest of the year? For next few minutes, think about the bigger picture... what are your core values (health, relationships, work etc)? Are you aligning to them? What are your intentions to align more closely to these? What goals can you set to help you achieve this?

  4. Journal - Finally, take as long as you need to journal and write down what came up and what you plan to do for a thriving rest of 2022. We recommend having 2 or 3 key goals so things do not feel overwhelming.

    For example: 'I will practice yoga asana 3 times a week as it helps me feel good and has a positive impact on the rest of my life'.

    Writing these down will help solidify what you need to do.

We would love to hear how you get on. Let us know what your top three goals are for the rest of 2022.